VBA ArrayList类 还可以继续扩展
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Option ExplicitPrivate m_elements() As VariantPrivate m_size As LongPrivate m_capacity As LongPrivate m_dic As DictionaryPrivate Sub Class_Initialize()    ReDim m_elements(9)    m_size = 0    m_capacity = 10    Set m_dic = New DictionaryEnd SubPublic Property Get Capacity() As Long  'all capacity in the array, including unused space    Capacity = UBound(m_elements) + 1End PropertyPublic Property Let Capacity(ByVal TotalCapacity As Long)    ReDim Preserve m_elements(TotalCapacity - 1)    m_capacity = TotalCapacityEnd PropertyPublic Function Length() As Long'includes only used elements in the array    Length = m_sizeEnd FunctionPrivate Sub trimToSize()    'If capacity is large and length < 50% of capacity,    'trim total capacity to: (number of used elements * 1.5)        If m_capacity > 99 Then        If (m_size < (m_capacity / 2)) Then            Dim newUBound As Long            newUBound = Conversion.CLng(m_size * 1.5)            If newUBound < 9 Then 'need at least 10 els                newUBound = 9            End If            ReDim Preserve m_elements(newUBound)            m_capacity = newUBound + 1        End If    End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub ensureCapacity(ByVal minCapacity As Long)    If m_capacity < minCapacity Then        Dim newUBound As Long        newUBound = Conversion.CLng(m_capacity * 1.5)        ReDim Preserve m_elements(newUBound)        m_capacity = newUBound + 1    End IfEnd SubPublic Function isEmpty() As Boolean    isEmpty = (m_size = 0)End FunctionPublic Sub Add(Item As Variant, Optional Key As String = "", Optional ByVal Before As Long = -1)'Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this'list. Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and'any subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).    Call ensureCapacity(m_size + 1)        'shift everything to the right of Before by 1    If (Before > -1) Then        checkIndex (Before)        Dim temp() As Variant        ReDim temp(m_size)                Call arrayCopy(m_elements(), Before, temp(), 0, m_size - Before)        Call arrayCopy(temp(), 0, m_elements(), Before + 1, m_size - Before)        If Not IsObject(Item) Then            m_elements(Before) = Item        Else            Set m_elements(Before) = Item        End If                        If Key <> "" Then            If m_dic.Exists(Key) Then Call Err.Raise(Key, Description:="The Key can not allowed repeat")            m_dic.Add Key, m_elements(Before)        End If            Else ' no "Before" param        If Not IsObject(Item) Then            m_elements(m_size) = Item        Else            Set m_elements(m_size) = Item        End If                If Key <> "" Then            If m_dic.Exists(Key) Then Call Err.Raise(Key, Description:="The Key can not allowed repeat")            m_dic.Add Key, Item        End If            End If    m_size = m_size + 1End SubSub removeAt(ByVal index As Long)    checkIndex (index)        If index < m_size - 1 Then        Dim i As Integer        For i = index To m_size - 1            If Not IsObject(m_elements(i + 1)) Then                m_elements(i) = m_elements(i + 1)            Else                Set m_elements(i) = m_elements(i + 1)            End If        Next i        m_elements(m_size - 1) = Empty            ElseIf index = m_size - 1 Then        m_elements(m_size - 1) = Empty    End If        m_size = m_size - 1    Call trimToSizeEnd SubPublic Property Get ItemByKey(ByVal Key As String) As Variant    If m_dic.Exists(Key) Then        If IsObject(m_dic(Key)) Then            Set ItemByKey = m_dic(Key)            Exit Property        Else            ItemByKey = m_dic(Key)        End If    Else       Call Err.Raise(Key, Description:="The Key can not find")    End IfEnd PropertyPublic Property Get ItemByIndex(ByVal index As Long) As Variant    If IsObject(m_elements(index - 1)) Then        Set ItemByIndex = m_elements(index - 1)        Exit Property    Else        ItemByIndex = m_elements(index - 1)    End IfEnd PropertyPublic Property Let ItemByIndex(ByVal index As Long, ByVal value As Variant)    checkIndex (index - 1)    If IsObject(value) Then        Set m_elements(index - 1) = value    Else        m_elements(index - 1) = value    End IfEnd PropertyPublic Sub Remove(ByVal objElement As Variant)    'Remove the first occurrence of the given objElement    Dim i As Long    For i = 0 To m_size - 1        If (m_elements(i) = objElement) Then            Call Me.removeAt(i)            Exit For        End If    Next iEnd SubPublic Sub RemoveAll(ByVal objElement As Variant)    'Remove all occurrences of objElement    Dim changes As Long    changes = 0    Dim i As Long    For i = 0 To m_size - 1        If (m_elements(i - changes) = objElement) Then            Call Me.removeAt(i - changes) ' will decrement m_size            changes = changes + 1        End If    Next i    Call trimToSizeEnd SubPublic Sub RemoveRange(ByVal StartingIndex As Long, ByVal EndingIndex As Long)'startindex= first element to remove index, endingindex=final element to remove'TODO: what if startindex > endindex?    checkIndex (StartingIndex)    checkIndex (EndingIndex)    Dim oldm_size As Long    oldm_size = m_size    'get all the elements to the right of the range (if there are any elements to the right)    If EndingIndex < m_size - 1 Then        Dim temp() As Variant        temp = Me.Items(EndingIndex + 1, m_size - 1)        Call arrayCopy(temp, 0, m_elements, StartingIndex, UBound(temp) + 1)    End If        m_size = m_size - (EndingIndex - StartingIndex + 1)    Dim i As Long    For i = m_size To oldm_size - 1        m_elements(i) = Empty    Next iEnd SubPublic Function Contains(ByRef Element As Variant) As Boolean    Dim result As Boolean    result = False    Dim i As Long    Dim e As Variant    For Each e In m_elements        If IsObject(Element) Then            If e Is Element Then                result = True                Exit For            End If        Else            If e = Element Then                result = True                Exit For            End If        End If        i = i + 1        If i = m_size Then Exit For    Next e    Contains = resultEnd FunctionPublic Function indexOf(ByVal Element As Variant) As Long'Searches for the specified Object and returns the zero-based index of'the first occurrence within the entire ArrayList.'Returns -1 if the Element was not found        Dim result As Long    result = -1    Dim index As Long    index = 0        Dim e As Variant    For Each e In m_elements        If e = Element Then            result = index            Exit For        End If        index = index + 1    Next e    indexOf = resultEnd FunctionPublic Function LastIndexOf(ByVal Element As Variant) As Long'Searches for the specified Object and returns the'zero-based index of the last occurrence within the entire ArrayList.'Returns -1 if not found    Dim result As Long    result = -1        Dim i As Long    For i = m_size - 1 To 0 Step -1        If m_elements(i) = Element Then            result = i            Exit For        End If    Next i    LastIndexOf = resultEnd FunctionPublic Sub Clear()    ReDim m_elements(9)    m_capacity = 10    m_size = 0End SubPrivate Sub checkIndex(ByVal index As Long)    If (index >= m_size) Or (index < 0) Then        Call Err.Raise(index, Description:="The index specified is out of bounds")    End IfEnd SubPublic Sub Swap(ByVal Index1 As Long, ByVal Index2 As Long)    Dim temp As Variant    checkIndex (Index1)    checkIndex (Index2)        If Not IsObject(m_elements(Index2)) Then       temp = m_elements(Index2)    Else: Set temp = m_elements(Index2)    End If        If Not IsObject(m_elements(Index1)) Then       m_elements(Index2) = m_elements(Index1)    Else        Set m_elements(Index2) = m_elements(Index1)    End If        If Not IsObject(temp) Then        m_elements(Index1) = temp    Else        Set m_elements(Index1) = temp    End IfEnd SubPublic Sub Reverse()    If m_size > 1 Then        Dim hiIndex As Long        hiIndex = m_size - 1        Dim loIndex As Long        loIndex = 0        Do While (hiIndex > loIndex)            Call Swap(loIndex, hiIndex)            hiIndex = hiIndex - 1            loIndex = loIndex + 1        Loop    End IfEnd SubPublic Sub Shuffle()    'uses Fisher-Yates algo    Dim i As Long    Dim randomNbr As Long    For i = m_size - 1 To 1 Step -1        Randomize        'random integer with 0 <= rndnbr <= i, uniformly distributed        randomNbr = Int((i + 1) * Rnd)        Call Swap(randomNbr, i)    Next iEnd SubPublic Function GetDistinctValues() As ArrayList    Dim distinctVals As New ArrayList    Dim e As Variant    For Each e In m_elements        If Not distinctVals.Contains(e) Then            distinctVals.Add e        End If    Next e    Set GetDistinctValues = distinctValsEnd FunctionPublic Function GetRange(ByVal StartingIndex As Long, ByVal TotalElementsToGet As Long) _As ArrayList'Returns a subset of the elements in this ArrayList.'Index: The 0-based array index at which the range starts.'Count: The number of elements in the range to get.        Dim newAL As ArrayList    Set newAL = New ArrayList    If TotalElementsToGet > 0 Then        Dim i As Long        If TotalElementsToGet > 9 Then        newAL.Capacity = TotalElementsToGet        Else: newAL.Capacity = 10        End If        For i = StartingIndex To (StartingIndex + TotalElementsToGet - 1)            newAL.Add m_elements(i)        Next i    End If    Set GetRange = newALEnd FunctionPublic Sub arrayCopy(array1() As Variant, ByVal startingIndex1 As Long, array2() As Variant, _  startingIndex2 As Long, ByVal TotalElements As Long)    On Error Resume Next    'copies from arr1, starting at stin1, to arr2, starting at stin2, TotalElements.    'both arrays must be declared using syntax: dim array1(
) as
or redim array1(
) 'ensure arr2 has at least TE els If UBound(array2) < TotalElements - 1 Then ReDim Preserve array2(TotalElements - 1) End If Dim i As Long Dim j As Long j = startingIndex2 For i = startingIndex1 To startingIndex1 + TotalElements - 1 If Not IsObject(array1(i)) Then array2(j) = array1(i) Else: Set array2(j) = array1(i) End If j = j + 1 Next iEnd SubPublic Sub Sort() 'use quicksort algo If Me.ContainsObjects() Then MsgBox "This VBArrayList contains at least 1 object. Quicksort only works on alphanumeric values." Exit Sub Else Call QuickSort End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub QuickSort(Optional intLeft As Long = -2, _ Optional intRight As Long = -2) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim varTestVal As Variant Dim intMid As Long If intLeft = -2 Then intLeft = 0 If intRight = -2 Then intRight = m_size - 1 If intLeft < intRight Then intMid = (intLeft + intRight) \ 2 varTestVal = m_elements(intMid) i = intLeft j = intRight Do Do While m_elements(i) < varTestVal i = i + 1 Loop Do While m_elements(j) > varTestVal j = j - 1 Loop If i <= j Then Call Me.Swap(i, j) i = i + 1 j = j - 1 End If Loop Until i > j If j <= intMid Then Call QuickSort(intLeft, j) Call QuickSort(i, intRight) Else Call QuickSort(i, intRight) Call QuickSort(intLeft, j) End If End IfEnd SubPublic Function ContainsObjects() As Boolean Dim result As Boolean result = False Dim e As Variant For Each e In m_elements If IsObject(e) Then result = True Exit For End If Next e ContainsObjects = resultEnd FunctionPublic Function Items(Optional ByVal StartingIndex As Long = 0, Optional ByVal EndingIndex As Long = -1) As Variant() If EndingIndex = -1 Then EndingIndex = m_size - 1 Dim els() As Variant ReDim els(EndingIndex - StartingIndex) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long j = 0 If StartingIndex <= EndingIndex Then For i = StartingIndex To EndingIndex If Not IsObject(m_elements(i)) Then els(j) = m_elements(i) Else Set els(j) = m_elements(i) End If j = j + 1 Next i Else For i = StartingIndex To EndingIndex Step -1 If Not IsObject(m_elements(i)) Then els(j) = m_elements(i) Else Set els(j) = m_elements(i) End If j = j + 1 Next i End If Items = elsEnd FunctionPublic Function ToCollection() As Collection Dim coll As New Collection Dim i As Long For i = 0 To m_size - 1 coll.Add m_elements(i) Next i Set ToCollection = collEnd FunctionPublic Function ToArray() As Variant() ToArray = m_elementsEnd FunctionPublic Sub IntakeArray(yourArray() As Variant) 'array must be a variant array m_elements = yourArray m_capacity = Me.Capacity m_size = Me.LengthEnd SubPublic Sub IntakeCollection(ByVal yourCollection As Collection) 'completely replaces anything in m_elements with the elements of a collection 'do not use parentheses around the argument ReDim m_elements(yourCollection.Count - 1) Dim i As Long For i = 0 To UBound(m_elements) If IsObject(yourCollection.Item(i + 1)) Then Set m_elements(i) = yourCollection.Item(i + 1) Else: m_elements(i) = yourCollection.Item(i + 1) End If Next i m_capacity = Me.Capacity m_size = Me.LengthEnd Sub



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